Retail future trends 2015 pdf map

Shoppers are growing accustomed to the benefits of digital in other retail settings and are beginning to expect them in grocery as well. Therefore attending a conference can be a way of looking into the crystal ball in your field. The future retail report draws on interviews with leading experts over,000 people across the uk and usa to show how emerging consumer trends will shape future stores. Yield monitoring and field mapping are the two largest application by market share.

Every ceo, senior executive, cmo and cio is obsessed. Pdf east asia is a region currently undergoing rapid retail development. Ive been hunting around for examples of future maps and graphics, hoping to be inspired by designs combining great content and form. Pdf retailers have embraced a variety of technologies to engage. What are the latest trends and challenges in the retail. Customer in fast changing retail space, consumers needs still engagement can. The key to future brand success will be the creation of.

A myriad of other factors will need to be taken into account as retailers and cpg companies begin to step firmly. In this report, we will show you different retail concepts in the fashion industry. The future of retail 5 trends reshaping the future of retail in 2019 and beyond. Read more from nrf president and ceo matthew shay on linkedin.

Firstly, there is an analysis of the current retailing landscape in germany. A deep dive into the us furniture market fbicgroup. Retailers that resist the changes will not survive. Here are a few considerations to help move towards an enhanced retail experience. Savvy retailers are winning by leveraging technology to enhance the shopping experience and meet consumers evolving desires. Shaping the future of retail for consumer industries 3 contents 4 executive summary 7 retail industry vision 2026 8 trends driving the future of retail 8 the empowered consumer 10 disruptive technologies 14 transformative business models 19 future capabilities required 19 the partnership mindset 19 lastmile delivery.

The second era of digital retail 1 executive summary. Consumer trends retail news and trends retail dive. As the evolution of retail continues, many experts are now questioning the value of longstanding metrics like samestore sales and wondering how the new retail industry can be measured more accurately. The retail and consumerpackagedgoods cpg sectors have seen such reversals in the past 15 years. Mapping the trends on a matrixwith level of predictability on one axis and potential. Worlds top global mega trends to 2025 and implications to.

Just 26% of companies currently have a future state journey map forrester. Psfk iq is a trends research platform for strategy and innovation teams that provides leading insights and strategies to the worlds most innovative. Retailing 2015 confirms that the retail industry is becoming more complex and changing at an everincreasing speed. With around 240,000 people employed in the retail sector in 2015, shopping tourism is generating jobs, a significant rise of merely 90,000 people in 2011. Business owners are leveraging kiosk technology that helps them in improvising their visib. Only the brave will win 6 2 introduction10 3 futurecasting process 14 4 looking back before we look forward 22 5 retail trends and challenges manufacturers, retailers and shoppers 26 6 disruptive forces on the horizon 38 7 the future of the shelf 52 8 its all about the data 64 9 summary and next steps 70. With knowledge of traffic patterns and trends via companies like placemeter, merchants can better serve their customers with. Future retail trends2015 everything to know about marketing. This article focuses on the future of retailing by highlighting. Driving success through analysis and action wayne eckerson director, tdwi research. A paradigm shift in auto retail based on five key pillars.

Shifting demographics, household downsizing, more educated consumers, new channel formatsamong other trends require that the industry quickly adjust and modify existent models, approaches and processes to satisfy the needs of future customers in order. The anheuserbusch beer maker is giving away a years worth of beer to 250 couples who have had to adjust plans for their big day due to the pandemic. Boys born in 1901 were expected to live for 45 years and girls for 49 years. Thanks to your responses on twitter and facebook, here are a handful of images to stimulate your thinking about where were headed next. This landscape is presented by distinguishing between foodnearfood. In this commercial context, examining current and future retail trends. Mega trends are transformative, global forces that define the future world with their far reaching impacts. In the future, we will continue to see retailers leverage data they obtain on. Londonjuly 23, 2015 a report, titled the future of retail. Insight report shaping the future of retail for consumer. Article the digital future of consumerpackagedgoods companies. Lines between the physical and digital worlds are blurring. To shed some light on current trends and developments in the fashion sector.

Deloitte 2016, retail trends in 2016, accessed december 12, 2016. Consumers are operating from a sustainability mindset and increasing the pressure on brands to act, calling for g. I cant think of a more exciting time to be in retail, to be at the forefront of change and part of an industry that has the potential to provide a better life for millions around the world. Current and future trends edited by manfred krafft and murali k. Isi derives and conducts foresight processes for developing future scenarios that outline. One of the most profound influences on the future health and social care system is our societys changing demography. The future of retail is all about using technology to. Looking into the crystal ball scientists dont need a crystal ball to predict events. Recent marketing trends in retailing phd candidate mindaugas sinkevicius 20140930 2. We look at how consumers are using technology and offer insights about how retailers and manufacturers can use flexible retailing options to. An ageing population with uncertainty about the future impact on services and society.

A myriad of new and more convenient options are coming our way in 2020. Understand that convenience is related to an overall consumer experience that eases the shopper journey while providing additional services. In 2015, i was asked to assemble the trends that i felt were shaping the future of retail and what executives can do to compete immediately. This piece draws on a new report, shaping the future of retail for consumer industries, which can be read here. Shifting demographics, household downsizing, more educated consumers, new channel formatsamong other trends require that the industry quickly adjust and modify existent models, approaches and processes to satisfy the needs of future customers in order to be successful and. To explore the key result areas of retail industry.

Future retailing will focus on engaging with customers at a personal. New frontiers 2007 pricewaterhousecooperstns retail forward i pricewaterhousecoopers and tns retail forward are pleased to collaborate in bringing you this overview of the retail industry through 2015. Retail which contributes 10% of our gdp is the largest source of employment after agriculture. The nielsen global ecommerce and the new retail survey polled 30,000 online respondents in 60 countries to understand how digital technologies will shape the retail landscape of the future. Retail has moved from a merchantdriven industry to a technologydriven industry, reshaping how consumers shop. Tools like client tour mapping and touchpoint analyses were applied to identify areas for improvement within the. Pdf since the early 1990s there has been a substantial restructuring of retailing in europe. Data analysis shows that the economic benefit of shopping tourism to korea rok outweighs general tourism.